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Unia Europejska

MON - FRI: 1000 - 1800

Customer service

535 410 810

535 410 808



You can find us here:

Ul. Wiślana 25, 85-773 Bydgoszcz- near the Ikea store and the Lidl store

Work hours:

Mon - Fri: 1000 - 1800

Sat: 900 - 1500

0 zł




1. General information

This document determines rules of privacy in internet shop (next "internet shop"). Administrator of data is Roman Bilecki who runs economic activity through a company STWD Roman Bilecki in Bydgoszcz written into central evidention and information about economic activity held by Minister of Economy, held by the address Ul. Wiślana 25, 85-773


2. Purpose of data processing


Administrator gathers information given by free will, by the clients of internet shop, while creating an account by them, also selling service and offer inquiries processing. Furthermore administrator can save information about parameters connections such as IP address in technical purposes, connected with administration of service and to gather general, statistic information demographical ( for example about a region from which the connection takes place) as well as in safety purposes.


Data sourced by the administrator are in service for goals given below:


- sale in internet shop,

- making possible of service provision electrical way, in this transaction making and bank payments, by cash or electrically

- making possible creating and accounts of the users management

- handling complaints applications

- handling selling and logistics

- handling questions of the offer( price negotiation)

- making possible contact with a client telephone way, e-mail also through chat and contact form

-handling accounting orders and payments ( settlements, invoices, bills)

- implementation of free material orders ( catalogues, 3d models, wood samples)


Additionally administrator gathers also data in marketing purposes including:

- making possible contact by e-mail, telephone also through social media ( facebook, instagram, youtube) in information purposes and marketing.

- Suiting ads according to viewed by you content in the service ( google Adsense)

-Monitoring user activity in the service, including in this history of purchase , and viewed category on the website

- Running sale statistics and analyzing history of purchase and viewed categories in service by analytical tools ( google analytics) on the angle of improvement quality of services provided, safety of shopping and relevancy of marketing offers

- creating and handling contests and promotional actions


3. Source of data acquisition

- We obtain your data whilst creating accounts in service

- while carrying orders as a guest in service

- Data is also collected by our consultants during a contact with a client telephone way, by e-mail or by chat, contact form, and negotiation price system

-by cookies files w service

- using form on website www.beds.ppl/modele-3d

- during contact with client throughout social media ( facebook, instagram)

- form of saving to the newsletter



4. The period of data storage


Administrator stores data of the user till the moment of canceling the agreement of its storage and processing.

Agreement the user can withdraw in any moment using form on the website


5.Insight in data


User has a possibility in insight in data storage by administrator, history of transaction and purchases by the help of form on website,

deleting them through . Form, and rectification by their edition in settings of the profile of the user or by contact with a administrator:

- E-Mail:

- post address: STWD, Ul. Wiślana 25, 85-773 Bydgoszcz


The user has a right to fill the complaint in conjunction with incorrect data storage to:

Biuro Generalnego Inspektora Ochrony danych osobowych

Ul. Stawki 2

00-193 Warszawa


6.Which data is being processed

IP address, URL address, works, domain name, device identifier, mobile advertising identifier, type of the browser, number of clicks, quantity of time spent on specific sites, date and hour using the service.


7. Personal data collected by the Administrator are being processed in accordance with the provisions of the act from day 29 August 1997 about data protection ( Dz. U. 1997 nr 133 poz. 883 ) and act from day 18 of July 2002 year, about providing services electronical way ( Dz.U. 2002 nr 144 poz. 1204 z póź only on the basis of authorization to process data and only in purposes given above and regulation of the European Parliament and council ( UE) 2016/679 from day 27 of April 2016


8. Administrator makes special efforts in purpose of information protection given him, on clients of the internet store. Administrator with accurate precision selects and applies appropriate technical measures, in the character of programming and organizational, providing protection of personal data processing, especially protects data from their sharing unauthorized persons, disclosure, losing, destruction, unauthorized modification, also by its processing in violation in applicable law.


9. Due to the voluntary nature of giving the personal data by a client , they have a right to access to their personal data, make them right, remake, also they can turn to the Administrator with removal request given before personal data from data sets led by the Administrator, subject to the next sentence.


Administrator can deny deleting data, if its necessary to:

- to use law to freedom of speech and information

- to comply with a legal obligation requiring processing in the power of the law of the Union or law of the member state which the administrator is subject or to perform a task implemented

- for reasons of the public business in the field of public health care

- for archival purposes in the public interest, in purpose of science researcher historical or statistics purposes according to art. 89 ust. 1, if its probable that if the law that we talk about in ust.1, prevent, or seriously hinders realization of goals of that processing

- to determine, investigation, or defense of claims.


10. In case of subscription newsletter by the client, Administrator will send on given address of e-mail a message comprising information about the products and services available in internet store and also information about contests and promotion.


11. Administrator can entrust data processing of the clients third parties carrying out some services and in particular delivery of the order, payment realization, testing the level of customer satisfaction in the online store, system for automatic mailing, system to generate statistics, system to profile

- to the online payment system operator PayPal Polska sp.zo.o

- to the online payment system operator DialCom24 sp. zo.o

-to the online payment system opeartor ECARD S.A

- to the online payment system operator PayPro S.A

-Operator IAI S.A

- to the mobile payment operation MPAY S.A

- to the online payment operator eService sp. zo.o

- to the online payment operator PayByNet

- Bankowi ING Bank śląski S.A

- Bankowi mBank S.A

- Bankowi Santander Consumer Bank S.A

Bankowi Sygma Banque Societe Anonyme ( Spółka akcyjna)

- Bankowi Credit Agricole Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna

- Bankowi Alior Bank S.A

- Operator Poczta Polska S.A

- Operator DPD sp. zo.o

- Operator DHL Express (Poland) s.p zo.o

- Operator UPS Polska sp. zo.o

-Operator Inpost S.A

- Operator General Logistics System Poland Sp. zo.o

-Operator Siódemka S.A

- Operator K-EX sp zo.o

- Operator TBA Express Sp. zo.o

- Operator FedEx Express Polska Sp. zo.o

- Operator Raben Transport Sp. zo.o

- Operator P.H.U NEVADA

- Freshmail Sp.zo.o

- Google LLC

- Ceneo sp.zo.o

- Opineo Sp.zo.o

-Grupie okazje Sp. zo.o

- Skąpiec Sp. zo.o

- Trusted Shops GmbH


12. Cookie files

a. While browsing internet websites of the internet store there are files being used such as "cookies", so not much of information text , that are being saved w the device of the client in conjunction with using internet store. Their usage has on purpose correct operation of websites of the internet store.

b. Used by the Administrator "cookies" are safe for the device of the client. In particular its not possible this way to ingress to the devices of clients viruses or any other unwanted software or malicous software. These files let identify software that are being used by the client and adjust internet store individually to every client. Files "cookies" usually contain name of the domain which they come from, time of preservation on the device or written value.


c. Administrator uses two kind of files "cookies"

- Session Cookie: Are in storage on the device of the client of the internet store and they are being left till the moment of finishing the session the browser. Saved information are permanently deleted from the device's memory of client of the internet store. Mechanism cookies sessionary do not let to download any personal data or any confidential information from the device of the client from internet store.

- Permanent cookies: are stored on the device of the client of the internet store and they are being left there till the moment of their removal. Finishing the session of particular browser or turning off the device does not cause the removal from the device of the client of the internet store. Mechanism cookies permanent does not let to download any personal data or any confidential from the clients device from internet store.


d. Administrator uses cookie files in following goals:

-configuration of the internet store

- making statistics, which help to understand in which way clients of the internet store are using from internet websites which makes it possible to make better their structure and content through analytical tools Google , which their administrator is Google Inc with house held in USA, privacy policy Google is available at the following links



- profile determination of the client w the name of him suited materials in advertising networks, with the usage of internet tools of ads of Google Adsense, which administrator is Google Inc with house held in USA. The Google privacy policy is available at the following links


- Popularization of the internet store through YouTube LLC with house held by the address :

901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066 United States of America. Privacy Policy YouTube is available on this link:;

- Popularization of the store through social media website, which administrator is Facebook Inc. With house held in USA or Facebook Ireland in Ireland, Privacy policy facebook is available at the following links:



-Popularization of the internet shop through a social media such as, which administrator is group Onet S.A with house held in Cracow, Privacy Policy is available with the link such as:;


- Popularization of the internet store through social media website, which administrator is Pinterest Inc. With house held in USA, Privacy Policy is available by following link

- Popularization of the internet store through social media, which administrator is Twitter Inc. With house held in USA, Privacy policy is available by the following link:;

- Popularization of the internet store through help of social media, which administrator is Instagram LLC which house is held in USA. Privacy Policy is available under the following link


- configuration and maintaining the shop through services, which administrator is IAI Spółka Akcyjna where house is held in Szczecin, Privacy Policy is available under the following link:;


- popularization of the internet shop by social media, which administrator is Google. Inc based in USA, Privacy Policy Google is available under the following link

- popularization of the internet shop through the social media webste, which administrator is Linkedin Ireland Ltd. That is based in Irleand, Privacy policy is available under the following link

- Popularization of the internet store through the social media using in the purpose tool, which administrator is AddThis Inc, based in USA. Privacy Policy is available under the following link

- Facilitation of the communication through the internet website of the shop by usage tool, which administrator is Microsoft Corporation based In USA, Privacy Policy is accessible under the following link

- Present conformity certificate, through internet service, which administrator is GP Kancelaria Poniatowska-Maj Strzelec-Gwódźdź sp.p based in Cracow. Privacy Policy is available under the following link

- Present and expressing opinions on the websites external internet service, which administrator is Grupa Okazje sp. z o.o based in ŁÓDŹ. Privacy Policy is available under the following link


-Present opinions on the websites of the internet store which are being downloaded from external internet service sp.zo.o based in Wrocław. Policy cookies is available under the following link:


- Present and express opinions on the internet websites external internet service which administrator is sp.z o.o. based in Poznan, Policy cookies available under the following link:


- Present and express opinions on the websites external internet service, which administrator is Trusted Shops GmbH based in Koln, Privacy Policy is attainable under the following link:


We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy listed companies so you can get to know the rules of using the files „cookies”


13. Files „cookies” can be used as ads network, in particular google network to view the ads suited to the way in which client uses the online shop. In this reason there can be saved information about navigation path of the client or about the time being on the website.

14.In the area of information about the preferences of the client gathering by the ad networking Google client can browse and edit information from cookie files by the tool :


15. Client can on his own and in every time change the settings about the files „cookies”, determining terms of their storage and getting the access through the files „cookies” to the clients device. Change of the settings, it has been said above, client can by the help of the settings can internet browser or by the configuration of the service. Settings can be changed in particular in a way to block automatically files service „cookies” in the settings of the internet browser or inform about their every posting on the clients device. Specific information about the possibilities and ways of handling the files „cookies” are accessible in the programming settings.


16. Client can in every minute can delete files „Cookies” using the accessible function in the internet browser : Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Android, Safari (iOS), Windows Phone, Blackberry


17. Limitation of application „cookies” files can influence some functionality avaiable on the website on the internet

Contact Us!

Customer service / Export manager

Kacper Piątek

Customer service


0048 535 410 810

Mon - Fr:


1000 - 1800

0900 - 1500


Shippment and order information

Dawid Jendraszak

Logistics specialist


0048 535 410 755

Mon - Fr:

0600 - 1400


Payment and invoices

Monika Wojasinska

Accounting specialist


0048 52 360 61 61

Mon - Fr:

0700 - 1500


Don't have an account yet?


Contact us on 0048 535 410 810 if you want to get access.