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Materac ELEMENT MAT0037

  • Materac ELEMENT
  • Materac ELEMENT
  • Materac ELEMENT
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Materac Element to komfortowy, nowoczesny materac wysokoelastyczny. Ergonomiczna budowa, zapewnia bardzo dobre dostosowanie się powierzchni materaca do naturalnych krzywizn ciała. Solidna podstawa z piany Lavender zapewnia podparcie na całej linii ciała ludzkiego.
Piana Nightfly amortyzuje zbędne naciski na ciało, wzmacnia proces wymiany nagrzanego powietrza z wnętrza materaca. Nowoczesna piana Oxygen, o najlepszej przepuszczalności powietrza, doskonale dopasowuje się do ciała, zmniejsza naciski na ciało, dając tym samym możliwość regeneracji organizmu.

Parametry materaca Element:

- piana Lavender o gęstości 40 kg/m3,
- wysokoelastyczna, wodna pianka Nighfly,
- nowoczesna, wysokoelastyczna piana Oxygen,
- nośność materaca: 150 kg,
- twardość materaca: H3
- wysokość materaca: 22 cm,
- pokrowiec Aloe Vera pikowany pianką termoelastyczną, z wszytym pasem wentylacyjnym 3D
- wymagany stelaż elastyczny,
- piany klejone ekologicznym, szwajcarskim klejem Simalfa.

Budowa materaca Element:

Podstawą materaca jest piana Lavender o gęstości 40 kg/m3. Wysokość bloku piany to aż 11 cm. Piana Lavender produkowana jest przy użyciu olejku lawendowego. Dzięki temu jest to piana naturalnie antybakteryjna, a przy tym wysoce odporna na odkształcenia. Dlatego stanowi solidną podstawę materaca, zapewniając stabilne, solidne podparcie podczas snu.

Środkowa piana to włoska piana Nightfly o niesamowitej elastyczności i sprężystości. Jej komórkowa budowa umożliwia swobodny przepływ powietrza w jej strukturze, ułatwiając tym samym wydalanie nagrzanego od ciała powietrza na zewnątrz materaca. Piana Nightfly produkowana jest na bazie wody, bez użycia freonów, co czyni ją materiałem bezpiecznym dla zdrowia ludzkiego pod każdym względem.

Technical specification

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Width 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200
Length 190, 200, 210, 220
Height 22
Type of mattress high elastic mattress
Number of layers 3 layers
Two-sided mattress No
Recommended bed bases Unadjustable and adjustable frame bases, Unadjustable frame bases
removable washable cover Yes
Number of packages 1 pcs
Weight 25 kg


Low temperature pressed polyurethane foam (from 75 to 85 degrees Celsius). Thanks to the process of foaming with active oxygen, the material can have greater elasticity characteristic of the best multipocket springs and flexibility similar to high-class highly elastic foams, the so-called cold foams. The Oxygen foam mattress is an environmentally friendly product. This is due to the use of fewer chemicals and a shorter foam production process, which significantly reduces energy costs. What's more, the material has a structure of open microcells, thanks to which it guarantees excellent air permeability and freshness, especially important for allergy sufferers and people who value a high standard of hygiene.
Contour cut, safe for the user and the environment, highly elastic foam, produced on the basis of water. It is characterized by high point flexibility, which makes it an ideal support for the spine. It is extremely resilient and maximum breathable. It is a product completely free of the harmful CFC (freon) factor, which makes it an ecological product. This foam is an ideal solution for people suffering from allergies.
Highly flexible foam impregnated with natural lavender oil. Its density is as much as 40 kg / m3. We used this foam here as a material that provides stable, solid support for the body during sleep. The open-cell structure of this material enables the expulsion of heated, moist air from the inside of the mattress under the influence of body weight. As a result, the mattress does not heat up and ensures an optimal sleep microclimate. Thanks to the impregnation with lavender oil, this material effectively eliminates the possibility of colonization and development of various harmful microorganisms in the mattress - lavender oil is a strong, natural antibacterial agent. Lavender foam mattresses are safe even for people suffering from various allergies. The fragrance triggered by lavender oil also has a positive effect on the nervous system, helping us fall asleep faster and deeper.
Height of the core
Amount of layers
Firmness of side I
Ecological bonding - When buying a mattress from time to time, we can say that it sometimes gives off unpleasant odors. This is usually related to the type of adhesive used. Although this bad smell will not be felt with time, we must remember that it is a result of the use of solvent-based adhesives. Their disadvantage is the emission of acceptable, albeit harmful, volatile substances. These substances may even be highly irritating to the skin, respiratory and nervous systems of humans. For this reason, in our mattresses, we have focused on more ecological solutions that are safe for human health. This mattress is manufactured using Swiss technology from Simalfa. It is the only adhesive on the market that does not dissolve with chemical solvents, but with plain water. Thanks to the use of this type of solution, we have eliminated the possibility of emission of harmful, volatile chemicals in our mattresses. One side effect of gluing with Simalfa glue is water vapor, which disappears com


ALOE VERA - Aloe Vera - a modern quilted cover with air conditioning fiber with a weight of 300 g / m², the hem and side of the mattress are made of 3D mesh, thanks to which the cover shows excellent air flow, allowing for maximum hygiene of the mattress, and thus a feeling of freshness during a sleep.
Airing fiber 300g/m^2
Ventilation belt
The cover includes one ventilation belt, which allows air circulation.
Zipper on the sides of the mattress
Possibility to wash the cover in 60°C

Delivery & payment

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• Our standards

  • Secure payment
  • Bringing in and assembly available
  • 14 days for resignation
  • Packed safely
  • Trusted carriers
  • From the producer

• Payment methods

  • Bank transfer

    The possibility of paying the entire amount of the order via bank transfer

  • Advance bank transfer 30%

    The rest of the payment by bank transfer at least 5 days before delivery after information about the delivery date from The Beds Logistics Department

  • Internet payment 100%

    Possibility to pay the entire amount of the order via Przelewy24 or Paypal payment systems

  • Payment by card 100%

    The possibility of paying the entire amount of the order via a payment card

• Dane do przelewu


STWD Roman Bilecki

Ul. Wiślana 25,

85-773 Bydgoszcz

NIP 554-015-57-66

REGON 090557215

TEL: +48 535 410 810



Foreign payments:

Bank ING
PL 27 1050 1139 1000 0090 8358 3337

The recipient's details: STWD Roman Bilecki, ul. Wiślana 25, 85-773 Bydgoszcz, Polska



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Kacper Piątek

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0048 535 410 810

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1000 - 1800

0900 - 1500


Shippment and order information

Dawid Jendraszak

Logistics specialist


0048 535 410 755

Mon - Fr:

0600 - 1400


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Monika Wojasinska

Accounting specialist


0048 52 360 61 61

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