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Materac AQUA MAT0040

Materac AQUA
Materac AQUA
  • Materac AQUA
  • Materac AQUA
  • Materac AQUA
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Materac gwarantuje wysoki komfort użytkowania. Przyjemne i delikatne otulenie oraz maksymalne rozluźnienie. Użyta innowacyjna, termoelastyczna piana Aqua Sleep jest wyjątkowo przewiewna oraz idealnie podpiera ciało ludzkie, niezależnie od pozycji leżenia. Piana pozwala na równomierne rozłożenie ciężaru ciała, z uwzględnieniem anatomii człowieka - co wspomaga długi i spokojny sen, bez potrzeby częstej zmiany pozycji spania. Materac to ulga dla kręgosłupa i zmęczonych stawów.

- Gwarancja poczucia odprężenia i relaksu.
- Minimalizacja nacisku na ciało ludzkie.
- Doskonałe podparcie kręgosłupa.
- Równomierne rozłożenie ciężaru ludzkiego ciała.
- Open Cell Memory Foam - otwarta struktura piany.
- Brak efektu przegrzewania się na materacu.

Parametry materaca Aqua:

- włoska termoelastyczna piana AQUA SLEEP - 3 cm
- komfortowa pianka NIGHTFLY - 5 cm;
- oddychająca piana ALOE VERA z aktywnymi mikrokapsułkami aloesowymi - 14 cm
- nośność materaca: do 130 kg/osobę,
- twardość materaca: H3
- wysokość materaca 23 cm,
- pokrowiec Silk Touch - wysoce odporny na rozciąganie, łatwy w praniu, gramatura 600 g/m2

Pokrowiec materaca Aqua

Aby wzmocnić działanie termoregulacyjne materaca Aqua zastosowaliśmy w tym modelu pokrowiec Silk Touch. Tkanina ta wykazuje wysokie właściwości higroskopijne, dzięki czemu doskonale wchłania wydzielaną przez ciało ludzkie wilgoć i bardzo szybko je wydala na zewnątrz. Jest przy tym delikatna w dotyku, a tym samym delikatna dla naszej skóry. Bardzo wytrzymała tkanina, wysoce odporna na rozciąganie. Dzięki specjalnej nanotechnologii stanowi ona bardzo dobre rozwiązanie dla osób cierpiących na alergie. Nanowłókna tej tkaniny są zabezpieczone w sposób skuteczny przed rozwojem pleśni, roztoczy oraz innych, szkodliwych dla zdrowia ludzkiego, mikoroorganizmów. Zastosowany w tym pokrowcu zamek, umożliwia odświeżenie pokrowca w pralce, w temperaturze do 60 st. C. Dodatkowo wszyty tutaj pas wentylacyjny 3D, pozwala na skuteczniejszą wymianę nagromadzonej wilgoci i nagrzanego powietrza z wnętrza materaca.

Technical specification

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Width 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200
Length 200
Height 23
Type of mattress high elastic mattress, memory foam mattress
Number of layers 3 layers
Two-sided mattress No
Recommended bed bases Unadjustable and adjustable frame bases, Unadjustable frame bases
removable washable cover Yes
Number of packages 1 pcs
Weight 25 kg


The innovative, thermoelastic, breathable Aqua Sleep foam is extremely breathable and perfectly supports the human body, regardless of the lying position. The foam allows for an even distribution of body weight, taking into account the human anatomy - which supports a long and restful sleep without the need to frequently change the sleeping position. The mattress is a relief for the spine and tired joints. It minimizes pressure on the human body and provides excellent support for the spine. In addition, the Open Cell Memory Foam technology, i.e. the open foam structure, gives the effect of pleasant coolness, eliminating the possibility of overheating.
Contour cut, safe for the user and the environment, highly elastic foam, produced on the basis of water. It is characterized by high point flexibility, which makes it an ideal support for the spine. It is extremely resilient and maximum breathable. It is a product completely free of the harmful CFC (freon) factor, which makes it an ecological product. This foam is an ideal solution for people suffering from allergies.
Aloe Vera foam is a combination of modern technology with the properties of plants. This foam contains microcapsules soaked in aloe vera. Due to the heat and weight of the user of the mattress, the microcapsules release aloe - and this affects the body of the sleeping person. This promotes skin regeneration, reduces the appearance and multiplication of bacteria and fungi. Aloe Vera foam has an open-cell structure, which ensures an adequate level of mattress ventilation and prevents the formation of unhealthy mold. The developing health-promoting microclimate facilitates sleep and improves the functioning of the body. A mattress with antibacterial Aloe Vera foam will be suitable for everyone who values ​​high quality sleep. It is especially recommended for allergy sufferers who struggle with dust or mites on a daily basis.


Silk Touch - To enhance the thermoregulatory effect of the mattress, this model uses a Silk Touch cover. This fabric shows high hygroscopic properties, thanks to which it perfectly absorbs moisture secreted by the human body and quickly expels it outside. At the same time, it is delicate to the touch, and therefore delicate for our skin. Very durable fabric, highly resistant to stretching. Thanks to special nanotechnology, it is a very good solution for people suffering from allergies. The nanofibers of this fabric are effectively protected against the development of mold, mites and other microorganisms harmful to human health. The zipper used in this cover allows the cover to be refreshed in the washing machine at a temperature of up to 60 degrees C. Additionally, the 3D ventilation belt sewn in here allows for a more effective exchange of accumulated moisture and heated air inside the mattress.
Ventilation belt
The cover includes one ventilation belt, which allows air circulation.
Zipper on the sides of the mattress
Possibility to wash the cover in 60°C


Oko-Tex Standard 100
"Oeko-Tex Standard 100" safe from a human-ecological point of view

Delivery & payment

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• Our standards

  • Secure payment
  • Bringing in and assembly available
  • 14 days for resignation
  • Packed safely
  • Trusted carriers
  • From the producer

• Payment methods

  • Bank transfer

    The possibility of paying the entire amount of the order via bank transfer

  • Advance bank transfer 30%

    The rest of the payment by bank transfer at least 5 days before delivery after information about the delivery date from The Beds Logistics Department

  • Internet payment 100%

    Possibility to pay the entire amount of the order via Przelewy24 or Paypal payment systems

  • Payment by card 100%

    The possibility of paying the entire amount of the order via a payment card

• Dane do przelewu


STWD Roman Bilecki

Ul. Wiślana 25,

85-773 Bydgoszcz

NIP 554-015-57-66

REGON 090557215

TEL: +48 535 410 810



Foreign payments:

Bank ING
PL 27 1050 1139 1000 0090 8358 3337

The recipient's details: STWD Roman Bilecki, ul. Wiślana 25, 85-773 Bydgoszcz, Polska



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0048 535 410 755

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0600 - 1400


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